Sunday, 15 June 2008

Roman Holiday

No this posting has nothing to do with Gregory Peck! Surprised at how quickly I completed the Roman Cornicen, I decided to take a break from the ACW & dig out some old Foundry Romans I bought from ebay a couple of years ago.

Unfortunately, they had been "painted", or more accurately doused in what some call "magic dip" (i.e. floor wax and dark brown ink wash over a base coat). I guess if you just want figures to game with and are not too fussed with the effect, it's ok, but close up it looks very odd. Anyway a week in Dettol (pine oil disinfectant) stipped them back to bare metal.

There are 15 figures in total, including Cornicen & Centurion, but will include a Signifer when I lay my hands on one. If any one has a few they want to dispose of, send me a message!

The challenge will be to paint them in as short a time as possible without sacrificing the quality of the painting. I will however cheat this time and use transfers as a template for the shields.

The first concession to time was to use black aerosol spray rather than the normal painted humbrol enamel. Once dry the figures were mounted on 20mm bases, tidied up with milliput.

Once the bases have been covered in sand and gravel, the clock starts!

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