Friday, 6 June 2008

The Leister House (Meade's HQ) Part 4

The first photo shows the completed construction, including window frames, which amusingly enough had to be puttied in with 'green stuff'. After the glue had been allowed to dry, the whole thing was sprayed black. I then proceeded to drop it on down some steps and onto a concrete floor. Fortunately it just bounced with no damage whatsoever!

Next the whole building was given a grey undercoat and then drybushed in various shades of light grey and finally white. Obviously the area below the boarding will be covered up as part of a scenic base. It is interesting to note one of the problems with accurate scale representations, the fact that the real buildings are not in themselves perfect. If I was constructing this model to be used without a base, I would have had to alter the design, as the house itself actually sits on an incline, as can be seen in the second image.

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