Saturday, 18 August 2007

Rebel Officer

As I feared, real life gets in the way of painting and blogging. I've also been distracted by painting up some Foundry AWI & scenery for photo back drops. On the other hand, I do now have quite a few new figures that need photographing. A couple of new artillery pieces and once the bases have been finished, Gamble's dismounted Union cavalry.

This is from the Southern Command pack - unconverted, although mounted on an Foundry ECW horse (as I uploaded this I realised the paint under the mane needs some more work).

The rider is not fixed, and I intend to remount him as a staff officer to a Corps Commander. The horse and rider do go well together, so I may paint up another for that base.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would love to have your groundwork recipe.... you seem to have capture the look of southern red clay without it looking like the surface of Mars.