Sunday, 19 August 2007

Union Artillery

Obviously the bases have to be functional as wargames pieces, but larger bases give the space needed to create mini vignettes like this one with two tired crew being given new orders. The officer is originally from the Foundry Crimean range - which are slightly smaller than the ACW range. Strangely the ACW Artillery crew models are slightly more heroically proportioned than the Infantry in the same range. As a result I had to build up the base so they didn't look too unbalanced. The cap was removed from this figure and the head resculpted. The second model is a simple headswap, the final one straight out of the blister.
I have changed the basing material method on this and probably future models - instead of using sand, paint, drybrush and static grass (as seen on previous posts) which sometimes looks more like a bowling green than a battle field. I can't reference the site this idea came from as I can't find it now, but basically (no pun intended!), the plasticard is covered with PVA and dipped in sand. This is left to dry, painted black brown, then drybrushed up with browns and ochre shades. Instead of applying static grass straight out of the bag, it is then mixed with glue, sand, flock and dark green / brown paint. This mixture is then spread in clumps over the base. Once dry the grass can be drybrushed green / yellow green to bring out the highlights. To my eyes it definitely looks more realistic. I'll try to find a base that gives a better view later.

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