Saturday, 19 July 2008

The Leister House (Meade's HQ) Part 8

The house is now complete, but not photographed. I thought I'd just show a couple of features in the penultimate post of this project.

The chimney was constructed from brick plasticard over a wooden core. A layer of two bricks width was added at the top, then a single bricks width to finish off the detailing. This was all then painted black then Dark Sand for the mortar. The individual bricks were picked out in Plaka Brick Red (!), then weathered with some black added to the mix. As you can see, the shingles are all painted as per the porch roof (the white plasicard has now been painted too).

The ground was sand painted dark brown, dry brushed with various tans, red browns and ochres. PVA was then painted randomly over the whole area, followed by a mix of static grasses. Once dry, the grass (which to my eye always looks too bright) was lightly coated in brown ink, which blended it all in nicely. Again, once dry, the grass was dry brushed with various greens and browns.

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