Sunday 8 June 2008

The Leister House (Meade's HQ) Part 5

Next stage: The porch roof. If only I had some shingle tile plasticard... instead, each row was cut from plain plasticard, and each tile individually cut. Because the card was so thin, it twisted up, so it had to be cut again into five to ten tile widths so it didn't curve. This took an age, and I'm not looking forward to doing three times this area on the main roof.

Once dry, it was sprayed with a black undercoat, then painted Vallejo black grey. This was worked up with white added to the mix, then washed with black ink to smooth out the texture.

Finally, individual tiles were picked out in a mixture of different greys and browns. The porch timbers were also painted and dry brushed. Note that for the porch and windows, I have decided to use brown paint, unless I find evidence to the contrary.

With the porch in place, I could now add the railings. The cross beams still need to be put into place. Compare to the photo I took (see Pt 1).

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